Thursday 20th of October 2011. The date that marks the end of the Libyan civil war that claimed the lives of 15 thousand people. It also marks the end of Muammar Gaddafi who has tortured and oppressed the Libyan people for the past 42 years. He was found hiding in a storm drain with his Defense minister and his son, who were both killed when the revolutionaries attacked. The Irony here is that Gaddafi has called the rebels "rats", bu he was found hiding a sewer.
Although some people are worried about Libya becoming a colony of the west because of its need of aid, and NATO never leaving, I am very optimistic and I wish the Libyan people a better future for their county. I also wish Egypt the "complete" success of its honorable revolution.
The storm drain Gaddafi was found in.
Al Somoud channel's photo of Dead Gaddafi.
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Although some people are worried about Libya becoming a colony of the west because of its need of aid, and NATO never leaving, I am very optimistic and I wish the Libyan people a better future for their county. I also wish Egypt the "complete" success of its honorable revolution.
Al Somoud channel's photo of Dead Gaddafi.
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