Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Genocide in the Holy Land

On November 2nd, 1997, Arthur James Balfour the British foreign secretary sent the previous document in which they showed their support to Lord Rothschild for creating a Jewish state. (, the Balfour Declaration)

On 5 June 1976, Israel has officially taken control over Siani from Egypt, Golan Heights from Syria, and east Jerusalem from Jordan. In 1979, Israel and Egypt sign the Camp David accords at Washington DC  in which Israel agreed to hand back Sinai, sign a peace treaty with Egypt but they still kept Gaza strip. 
Genocide is the systematic killing of all the people from a national, ethnic, or religious group, or an attempt to do this. 
For example, the Holocaust, which applied all stages of Genocide. First Adolf Hitler classified the people into “us” and “them”. The second stage, symbolization, Hitler called them the Jews and distinguished them according to color and clothing, later on he took the Swastika as a symbol to distinguish his people. The third stage, Dehumanization, Hitler denied the humanity of the Jews. The fourth stage, Organization, Hitler trained and armed special army units and started planning. The fifth stage, Polarization, “Extremists drove the groups apart. Hate groups broadcasted polarizing propaganda. Laws forbade intermarriage or social interaction. Extremist terrorism targeted moderates, intimidating and silencing the center.” The sixth stage, Preparation, Hitler Identified the Jews, made death lists, forced them to wear symbols and segregated them into concentration camps. Stage seven, Extermination, Hitler started putting his plans into action, killing Jews and burning them and then stage eight, Denial, comes in where Hitler denied his crime quoting: “I killed half the Jews and left the other half for you to discover why I killed the first?”
The Israeli forces in Palestine have been accused of Genocidal acts against civilians.

They have been accused by Iran in a speech given in Tehran on Friday October 5th before Friday prayers by the Shah Mahmoud Ahmadinijad who outraged in 2005 calling Israel tumor” to be wiped off the map. The speech stated that “Iran condemns fabricating such a pretext (the Holocaust) for the Zionist regime to commit genocide against the Palestinian nation and occupy Palestine,” that “The Iranian nation and countries in the region will not rest until Palestine is free and criminals punished,” and that “Europeans cannot tolerate the Zionist regime's presence in their own region but want to impose it on the Middle East. Give them (the Jews) this vast land of Canada and Alaska to build themselves a home and resettle there,” while people shouted “Death to America, Death to Israel,” also showing Iran’s support to Hezbollah and threatening the west by saying "Iran wants to remove international concerns over its atomic work through talks. But if they (the West) want to start a new game it will have no result for them but regret,” 

Another accusation was put forward by the prime minister of Turkey Bulent Ecevit stating that Turkey has enjoyed strong military relations with Israel in addition to trading but that Turkey has also long pressed for Palestinian rights. During the following events, Turkey “broke up” with Israel: “On Tuesday, Mr. Ecevit rejected a call from opposition parties to cancel a tank modernization contract that Turkey had awarded an Israeli company.

His foreign minister then described the ongoing violence as a joint suicide pact.
But Wednesday and Thursday brought fresh pressure as the political mood in Turkey turned sharply against Israel.
There have been screaming headlines and growing demonstrations in Ankara and Istanbul.
Mr Ecevit told his party on Thursday that genocide was being committed against the Palestinians and that the administration of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had chosen the path of occupation and war.
He also warned the US that the Bush administration's inactivity was playing into the hands of radical Islamic groups.
Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda, he said, will have a field day.” 
Since they first entered Palestine, The Israeli government has been provoking the world through several events that included murder of women and children, bombing schools, building a wall, cutting resources from Gaza, attacking supply boats, etc. The following news events are enough proof of Israeli Genocide in the holy land.
On September 30t0h, 2000, on the second day of the Second Intifada, 12 year old Muhammad Al-Durrah was shot dead in his father’s arms by the Israeli armed forces. The scene was caught on camera by a France 2 camera man and viewed several times on Palestinian television. 

On January 6th, 2009 Israeli forces attacked Al-Fakhura school in Gaza strip with a missile strike. The attack resulted in 40 Palestinian deaths among which several children deaths. ( Israel Strikes Al-Fakhura School)

After months of isolation, a flare of hope suddenly shines; countries from all over the world gather resources and send the freedom flotilla that started its journey from turkey.  The Israelis obviously did not like that. On May 31st, 2010, the Freedom flotilla was attacked by Israeli forces. The attack resulted in 19 deaths and a dozen injuries. (AlJazeera, Israel attacks Gaza and fleet)

Since the occupation started the Israelis have annihilated an average of 412 Palestinians a year and have controlled over 80% of Palestinian land and we Arabs have nothing to say about it.

I -Omar AbdElAziz ElKafrawy- accuse Israel of committing the crime of Genocide.

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